SYMPTOMS FOF RENAL DISEASE Renal disease is often revealed only by the incidental findings of hypertension, proteinuria or a raised blood urea concentration. In some cases the underlying disease has been truly symptomatic; in other the significance of apparently trivial symptoms has been ignored. The symptoms which most often bring patient to a doctor is pain. Pain due to acute bladder or a urethral inflammation is called dysuria; this is a burning or tingling sensation felt as the urethral measures or in the suprpubic area during after micturition. Dysuria frequent and urgent micturition constitutes the syndrome of cystitis; in severe cases there may be blood in the urine (haematuria). Cystitis is extremely common in young women, in whom it is usually related to sexual activity, and in such patients investigation for a serous underlying cause is rarely required. In older women and men and underlying conditions, especially urinary obstruction, must be excluded in men, perinea...
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